- Candioli pharma, an italian company involved in the production of animal welfare and hygiene products.
- Innovative products to support the well-being of dogs, cats, horse athletes and humans.
- Dogs and cats innovative and high quality products manufactured by Candioli pharma
- Candioli's products for gastroenterology disorders
- Florentero ACT, the only one with lactobacillus acidophilus CECT4529 and natural peptides for dogs and cats
- BeSame supports liver dysfunction with OXOMET that contains SAMe
- Bolo Via is an hairball remover with Arbocel, patented fiber
- GlutaMax ADVANCED supports the liver function in the case of chronic liver insufficiency
- GlutaMax ADVANCED supports the liver function in the case of chronic liver insufficiency
- Gastrik PET protects the gastric mucosa and maintains proper gastric acidity
- Candioli presents feed supplement to support nephro-urology disorders in dogs and cats.
- Cystocure Forte contains Glucosamine and Cranberry pulp
- Duomega, Omega 3, DHA and EPA in high concentrations
- Renal COMBI is a complete solution to support normal kidney functions in dogs and cats
- Renal N supports normal kidney function in dogs and cats
- Renal P - complementary feed to support normal kidney function in dogs and cats
- Candioli developed a new patent to support physiological skin conditions in dogs and cats
- Actea Oto, ear drops with natural peptide Lactoferricin
- Actea dermo is dermatological lotion containing Lactoferricin B, a natural peptide
- Diclorex foam is a foam with chlorhexidine and tee tree oil
- Dermousse is a dry shampoo for dogs, cats and other animals
- Neoxide - Ear detergent with chlorhexidine.
- Optivet - eye contour cleanser for white coat dogs, cats and other small animals
- Actea oral stomatological gel with natural peptide Lactoferricin B
- Chondroprotectors and hemp oil derived products to support joint chronic pain
- Dental care line for oral hygiene of dogs and cats
- Complementary feed against coprophagia for dogs and cats, milk replacers and multivitamin energetic paste
- Candioli's products for gastroenterology disorders
- Ornithology products for caged, aviary birds and messenger pigeons
- Vetark
- Candioli
- Florentero bird restores intestinal microflora in birds
- Avis Canto singing and reproduction activity stimulant
- Detoxifying solution for birds under stress
- E vit plus is vitamin E liquid to improve fertility
- Candiomix growth - plumage - reproduction
- Candioli Mineral salts to manage oligo-mineral deficiencies
- Liquid vitaminic Supplement is a vitamins mix adjiuvant in severe and chronic diseases
- Dry Original Vitaminic Supplement, multivitaminic mix to use in case of overtired birds and deficiencies
- Vaiolin is a cream indicated for dermatitis
- Racing horses feed supplements and toiletries to improve performances - No Doping products -
- Complementary Feed for racing horses and foals
- Gastrocure paste
- Gastrocure paste
- Gastrorace
- Confis Equine Ultra
- Buran
- Bawn
- Start-rec-4
- Recover for electrolyte disorders
- Trigger branch chain amino acids for horses
- Oxyliver
- Enter-prize improve intestinal microflora
- TripTOrelax contains tryptophan for relaxing horses
- X-Treme blood ensures a regular circulatory function
- X-Treme flame anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity for muscoloskeletal system
- X-Treme muscle optimises muscular functionality with antioxidants agents and amino acids
- Biotalg
- Horse Power 100
- Horse Power 200
- Nuovo complesso Puledri
- Mineral salts Horses
- Toiletries developed to support growth hooves and its care in athletic horses
- Unguento zoccoli originale protects the hooves from bad envirnment and increases its flexibility and moisture
- Cornier hooves ointment stimulates hooves regeneration and nourishment
- Unguento zoccoli nutriente protects and makes stronger the hoof
- Green ointment is a gel with Canphor to sanitize udders, muscle and joint
- Podosoft the astringent and sanitizing solution
- Diclorex Sanjmast
- Veterinary drugs for horses and foals
- Complementary Feed for racing horses and foals
- Human line products against lice
- Dogs and cats innovative and high quality products manufactured by Candioli pharma
- Candioli pharma is a family company since 1882
- Candioli's presence in the world and in the most important veterinary congresses
- New events and products launched by Candioli in the world
- Singapore Vet Show 2024
- WSAVA Congress China 2024
- News in Candioli export team: Yu
- Candioli pharma at Interzoo 2024
- Best Managed Companies Award 2023
- Zoomark 2023
- News in Candioli Export Team: Amanda
- Best Managed Companies Award 2022
- Candioli Pharma celebrates 140 years
- Interzoo 2022 Visit Hall 9 stand 9-636.
- FECAVA Eurocongress 2022
- WSAVA Congress Lima 2022
- Candioli Pharma Receives Best Managed Companies Award 2021
- New reserved area for our partners
- Florentero ACT symbiotic with only live strain L. acidophilus and natural peptides
- Evexia/Hexia with hemp oil
- Renal N new enhanced formula with Lactobacillus acidophilus authorised in Europe
- Zoomark International 2019
- Leipzig Veterinary congress 2020
- Italia Best Managed Companies 2020
- The annual Finnish veterinary conference 2019
- European Veterinary Conference Voorjaarsdagen
- news-test
- francevet
- Candioli's distributors in the world
- Candioli's contacts for distributors, partners and customers
- informative note
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